Absence and Loss:
Holocaust Memorials in Berlin and Beyond
by Marion Davies
Introductions by Dr James Smith and Julia Weiner
Photographer Marion Davies has focused her lens on the remarkable numbers of Holocaust memorials in Berlin; on the sculptures, art instillations, and unusual plaques and signs that can be found in public places - on street corners walls and pavements; in market places or on railway lines.
Juxtaposing images and text, Davies reveals the destructive impact of the Nazis on the daily life of German Jews and other minorities and the void left in post-war Germany by their annihilation and emigration. The images run in historical sequence; charting Jewish achievement, the rise of the Nazis, the subsequent destruction of Jews and others and includes portraits and memorials of rescuers and survivors. With introductions by leading Holocaust educator and museum innovator, Dr James Smith, chief executive of the UK Holocaust Centre and art critic and curator, Julia Weiner.
Absence and Loss is being shown at exhibitions throughout the UK and abroad including the London Jewish Cultural Centre, Norwich Cathedral and the Goethe Institute, Johannesburg. It is set to become a valued resource in Holocaust education.
Marion Davies, whose parents were German Jewish refugees won the London Evening Standard/Canon Spirit of London competition in 1998. Her prize-winning work is shown regularly, in competitions and galleries.
"A remarkable photographic essay on Germany’s dialogue with the loss and absence of its once thriving Jewish community"
Dr James Smith, chief executive of The UK Holocaust Centre
"Marion Davies’s excellent photographs show the array of memorials around Berlin commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. Increasingly, monuments can be found around Europe where the crimes against humanity took place and in the countries to where survivors and refugees fled"
Julia Weiner art critic and curator

ISBN 13 978-0-9548482-4-8
Paperback -64 page
47 illustrations