The House of Jacob
Sylvie Courtine-Denamy
Touching and beautifully written book where the author, a
French academic, traces her family history of exile back to
the Spanish expulsion of 1492. The family's journey leads
her to Salonika, Istanbul, Paris, America and Israel and to
Auschwitz. But through all that time the Sephardic culture,
foods and customs and the Judaeo-Spanish language of Ladino
were never forgotten and are richly recreated here. Courtine-Denamy
shows that Ladino is as vibrant as Hebrew. In the introduction,
Julia Kristeva criticises Israel for exclusively promoting
Hebrew and not doing more to prevent the Ladino language from
dying. Translated from the French by William Sayers.
£12.99 (reduced to) £9.99
ISBN 0-9540542-6-1
Hardback - 168 pages - Autumn 2003